Key Projects.
GIDDIS has been delivering projects since 2008.
We can draw on a wide selection of projects, and in recent years many of these have been in the Mission Critical Data Centre space.
One of our first data centre projects was Macquarie Data Centres Intellicentre 2 facility in 2011 where GIDDIS was involved in every aspect from land selection through to full take up of the facility by a range of private retail customers, federal government agencies and the world’s biggest hyperscale customers. This project was the first in Australia to be awarded the prestigious Tier III uptime design award. This facility continues to receive industry awards and certifications from government and non government agencies. GIDDIS continues to provide project management services to this site including the Intellicentre 3 expansions.
See below for a selection of projects managed and delivered by GIDDIS.


Hyperscale SCEC Upgrade

SYD28 Fitout
MDC IC3e Phase 2
33kV Infrastructure Project

Aust. Financial Institution DC Upgrade

MDC IC3e Phase 1


Virgin Active - East Village

Virgin Active - Pitt St

Virgin Active - Frenchs Forest

St Patricks Green Retirement Village

Social Housing

Mona Vale Skate Park